
Medical experts from all over the world are calling this “prostate shrinker”
…the most revolutionary discovery to date…

3151+ Men In Nigeria have been using it to dramatically reduce enlarged prostates. In LESS than 6 Weeks!

Thanks to this breakthrough, even the worst cases are losing the constant urge to pee!

In fact, they’re finally able to completely empty their bladder 100%.

Which means they can sleep through the night again without late night trips to the bathroom!

What’s even more breathtaking about this new prostate reducer is that it’s 100% natural. 

Meaning no side effects, whatsoever AND the price is so small, it almost goes unnoticeable.

And this new discovery has transformed hundreds of men’s live

Not only have symptoms of enlarged prostates and BHP dropped by a whopping 93%…

According to Different Users, it’s helping them put a quick and permanent end to their Erectile Dysfunction.

Harvard University found that enlarged prostates BLOCK your body’s ability to get erections!

…Which is why countless men suffer from erectile dysfunction today…

…and why so many men today feel like less than a man.

My name is Michael Olowojoba

And if you’re stuck with an enlarged prostate or Erectile Dysfunction…

Pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you in this message…

Because in the next 6 minutes, I’m going to show you what this natural, two-step prostate shrinker is…

From how it works, to the science that backs it up…

More importantly, how you can put it to use starting TODAY.

So you can put an end to never fully emptying your bladder…

And so the “erection signaling” chemical can flow through your body again.

Instead of an enlarged prostate blocking it…

But before I continue, I must warn you…

What you’re about to discover is a tightly-kept secret.

One that Your Doctor prays you never learn about…

Because this prostate shrinker is SO safe and non-addicting… And SO inexpensive…

They know if the public finds out about it, BILLIONS of Nairas are going down the drain…

In fact, they’re already trying to keep this discovery out from the public before it’s too late for them.

So they could get away with charging you THOUSANDS more to reduce your prostate and Erectile Dysfunction.

So please, listen closely to what I’m about to say…

Because it may be the only way to put a permanent end to your prostate and erectile dysfunction.. And restore your manhood and quality of life forever.

Again, my name is Michael Olowojoba…

I’m 59 years old…

And for the last three decades, I worked for a large scientific research firm, After Graduating From Department Of Medical Laboratory Science (University Of Benin[B.Sc] University Of Plymouth [M.Sc]).

6 years ago was when I started experiencing symptoms of BPH. (The clinical term for an enlarged prostate).

I didn’t think it was all that serious…

Sure, I had to pee more often than usual… but so what?

What I didn’t see coming was how such a small problem would escalate into the source of pain of my existence.

Next thing I knew, I was waking up 5, 6, even 7 times a night to go pee… ON A GOOD NIGHT.

I wasn’t getting any sleep. I had no energy throughout the day.

Add that to my waking hours, and you have a nightmare!

During the day, people started getting used to me leaving my desk 10 times or more at work…

It was super embarrassing. Especially since our bathrooms are in the CENTER of our research facility.

And because I was in the bathroom so much, I couldn’t get much work done. And I’d miss deadlines and important phone calls from our senior scientists.

But it gets worse…

This was taking a massive toll on my love life at home, too.

At the time, I had no idea this had anything to do with my enlarged prostate.

All I knew is up until now, I was an animal between the sheets…

And next thing I knew…

I couldn’t keep an erection to save my life!

My wife started growing insecure.

Thinking I was no longer attracted to her.

Not performing in the sack led to many nights of us fighting… nights of her crying…

All because we were so on edge…We had ZERO intimacy in our relationship.


With all this going on, and my BPH getting worse…

I became desperate for answers.

I finally went to my doctor and he told me having a large prostate was all a part of getting older.

Then he put me on Proscar. A medication to slow down my prostate growth.

After a few weeks using Proscar, I noticed some slight results…

I mean, I didn’t have to pee as much as before…

And for a second there, I thought I finally found a solution for my BPH.

That is until I realized something daunting about my body…

Before I was struggling with maintaining erections…

But now, I wasn’t getting them at all.

Before I was struggling with maintaining erections…

But now, I wasn’t getting them at all.

This BPH drug was making me IMPOTENT!

I told my doctor this was happening.

He shrugged his shoulders, told me it was a “common side effect that could happen…”

…like choosing between this prostate med that wasn’t making that big of a difference…

…or my ability to have sex again…

…was no big deal…

But it was a HUGE deal for me!

So I threw my Proscar into the trash. My sex life will ALWAYS be more important.

Besides, it was good that I got rid of that medication…

Not only are drugs like Proscar REQUIRED by the FDA to have a label saying it’s linked to an aggressive form of prostate cancer…

There’s now a TON of research DIRECTLY linking Proscar to E.D., too!

Along with drugs like Propecia, Finasteride, Avodart, and Dutasteride…

ALL prescribed by our trusted doctors!!!

I may have dodged a serious bullet there…

But I was still unhappy and looking for answers.

It was torture going to the bathroom 10 or more times a day…

I’m talking about rushing to the bathroom, feeling like you’re going to wet yourself…

Only to stand there for minutes to get a tiny dribble.

I’d feel this urgent need to go… Rush to the urinal…

Stand there for MINUTES until I got a tiny dribble…

Feeling like I was going to burst, and nothing was coming out

Day after day… Month after month..

Still feeling like I desperately needed to go, even though nothing was coming out…

Then repeat that process again, and again…

Day after day and month after month.

While my E.D. kept getting worse… deriving me of sleep and sex…

And I wasn’t on prostate drugs anymore.


I was so close to giving up… Luckily, my parents didn’t raise a quitter.

One way or another, I was going to find a natural, side-effect free solution…

And put an end to my enlarged prostate once and for all.

My only question was,

“Where do I even begin?”

I didn’t know exactly where to start.

I DID, however, work at a scientific research firm…

…which meant I had a huge database of information in the palm of my hand.

And so I got to work…

I learned about the prostate and how it works…

And I even found the natural way of shrinking it.

Without the use of dangerous pharm meds.

I must have read over three hundred scientific articles about the prostate…

But NONE of them stuck out to me like one from Harvard University.

According to the Harvard doctors…

Your prostate gland is a tube that’s located right below your bladder and above your urethra.

It connects the two organs.
And it runs through your penis so you can pee.
Your prostate is the red, circled part in this picture…

And when you’re 20 years old, your prostate is small. About the same size of a walnut.
But the older you get, the bigger your prostate grows…
In fact, by the age of 40 your prostate has grown to the size of an apricot…
 And by the time you’re 60 years old your prostate is the size of a lemon…

Remember: your prostate connects your bladder to your urethra.

So if it grows too big, it starts blocking the bladder.

Stopping it from pushing urine to your urethra.

As a result, your bladder stays partially filled with urine.. And it creates this constant feeling of needing to pee.

Because of your now giant prostate, you could only push a little bit of pee at a time…

And you also experience a weak dribbling stream of urine…

Not to mention how all that pushing can make a PAINFUL bathroom experience.

What I discovered next blew me away…

Harvard’s doctors and scientists ALSO found a super crucial chemical. One your doctor has probably NEVER mentioned to you before…

It’s called cGMP

And this chemical’s SOLE job is to tell your penis to become “hard”.
cGMP is the main reason you get erections.
But the bigger your prostate gets as you age…
The harder it is for cGMP to leave your bladder and reach your penis.

And that, my friend, is what causes…

Erectile Dysfunction!

These days, it’s no surprise that an enlarged prostate leads to E.D.

Harvard Medical School has a ton of articles about it…

WebMD does, too.

Even Fox News has caught wind of this…

There was even a giant study involving 4,489 men..
Studied showed that 72% of all men ages 50 and older struggle with enlarged prostates and E.D…

And that’s not all…

Another major study that involved 12,815 respondents found:

Men who had enlarged prostates were 11 TIMES at risk of suffering from E.D. too!

Which is enough to confirm the link between E.D. and BPH.

There was only one way guys like me could beat BPH and ED…

A two-step solution.

One that not only shrinks your prostate back to it’s normal healthy size…

And rids the blockage from your bladder and urethra…

But also increases your production of cGMP in the most natural way possible.

So you can summon thick, long-lasting erections whenever you want…

Just like in your early 20’s.

Finally, I discovered the “Number One” strongest Herbal Solution You could ever find…

This 2 in 1 Herbal Solution Combo, has done what other Prostate products can never do

It is made from the Purest Herbs and Root to Completely and Permanently Shrink Enlarge Prostate Without any side effects

It is safe and very effective, It’s basically for Men who want to Say goodbye to Enlarge Prostate and it’s Discomfort and also want to live a life free from Daily pain and Discomfort

It’s in Tea and Capsules Form and It’s NAFDAC CERTIFIED.

PROSTRATAB COMBO will cure it with all the symptoms and Shrink it completely no matter how long you have been experiencing ENLARGED PROSTATE.

When you’re overwhelmed by the feeling you need to pee all the time…

You start to feel just as pathetic and useless as people think you are.

But I’m here to tell you that your enlarged prostate is not who you are…

Afteralll, by our age almost every man is going through the same agony as your are.

With Prostratab™ you can forget about those negative feelings….

Free yourself and take back control of your life…health… and happiness.

  • Can you imagine what it will feel like to get out of bed each morning and easily empty your bladder to completion?
  • To finally feel strong and capable again?
  • To never have to worry that your co-workers are picking up your slack….or that your kids can’t trust you with the grandchildren because you’re always running off to the bathroom…

I can tell you that it will probably feel pretty fantastic. 

To be confident in yourself again.

With the power that Prostatab™ can put back in your hands…


Mrs Catherine
Mrs CatherineVia WhatsApp 24//11/2024
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Mr. David
Mr. DavidVia WhatsApp 24//11/2023
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Our Promise to You

We are confident in the effectiveness of our PROSTRATE SHRINKER COMBO If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Limited-Time Offer

For a limited time, every order placed today will enjoy huge discounts!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity

Remaining Stock!
SOLD 83%

Act Now and Get Yours!


This offer ends immediately this timer runs out!


Choose Your Package


Payments are to be made upon delivery.

We are making this payment on delivery based on trust. Please, be sure you really NEED this product.


Basic Package

Buy 1 Bottle Of Fitfigure Fat Burner

(You'll start seeing visible result within15-20 days before you finish using this package. This Package will last for 30 days).

Normal PRICE = ₦30,000

Pay ₦21,500 Today

Save ₦8,500 (More Than 30% Off)

Silver Package

Buy 1 Bottle Of Fitfigure Fat Burner

(Detoxifies Your Body And Sheds Off Weight. This Package will last for 60 days).

Normal PRICE = ₦60,000

Pay ₦35,000 Today

Save ₦25,000 (More Than 45% Off)

Recommended Package

Buy 3 Bottle Of Fitfigure Fat Burner And Get 1 Free

(You'll Maintain A Stable Body Weight, Burn Fat, Get That Sexy And Perfect Shape You Desire. This Package will last for 120 days).

Normal PRICE = ₦120,000

Pay ₦52,000 Today

Save ₦68,000 (More Than 60% Off)

…What Will You Feel Like 4 to 6 Weeks From Now?

…You’ll FEEL the difference, guaranteed! You’ll feel RELIEF.

When you start taking Prostatab™ daily – you’re going to soon see, and be convinced, this is a MUST-HAVE formula for frustration-free living!

You know that life is short and before you know it, four weeks will come and go — whether you like it or not.

But in 4 weeks’ time, you could either have melted away the size of your prostate…

Plus your physical and mental anguish, plus rejuvenated your overall well-being — or you could have the same debilitating daily existence that you have today.

So by now I’m sure you’re primed and ready to experience the health & energy rejuvenating power of Prostatetab combo™

But we’re going to make you a deal you can’t pass up…

You don’t even have to make that decision now… In fact…

We’re so totally confident that Prostatab combo™ is going to shrink down your prostate, help you pee normally, boost your sex life and happiness while changing your life for the better…

And it gets better

That we’re going to let you TRY Prostatab combo™ for  FULL 1 MONTH (30 days) and if for ANY REASON you’re not fully delighted with the results… Simply contact us for…

A Full Refund…

Today, you will receive… Our 30 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

When you try Prostatab combo™ right now… it either works… Or you get all your money back.

No questions asked.

That’s right…

We’ll send you your supply right now, and if at any time over the next 90 days you decide it’s just not working for you, just contact us for a FULL REFUND…


Look, If you’re still here… that means two things…

  1. You understand just how important prostate health is to your happiness.
  1. You have a few questions

It’s completely fine to have questions… in fact, I’m glad that you do… because I want you to feel completely confident before claiming your prostate relief supply.

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive:

Prostatab combo™ contains Stinging Nettle which reduces symptoms of enlarged prostates by 93 PERCENT!

And the Saw Palmetto FRUIT’s extract which has been credited with a 53% reduction in men’s enlarged prostates…

Along with 40% increased sexual function!

And it’s nothing you did wrong. It’s nothing you ate… or didn’t eat.

There is almost no man that escapes the wrath of an enlarged prostate as he gets older.

But these ingredients can help anyone who is suffering.

And remember, there is a 100%, 90 Day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee 

We recommend ordering the largest amount possible so that you get more savings.

Plus, with such limited supplies, ordering more will ensure that you don’t miss out if we’re out of stock.

Prostatab combo™ has a shelf life of 1 year so you don’t have to worry about them going bad if you claim multiple bottles.

We go to great lengths to make sure that what you see on the label is exactly what you get.

Each ingredient in our solution is tested for purity to ensure there are no additives or toxins.

No. Prostatab combo™ helps support your prostate health in a variety of ways but it does not treat any disease and should not be used to replace any medication you may be on.

If you are currently on a treatment plan under your doctor’s care, do not stop that treatment plan unless your doctor tells you to.

Use Prostatab combo™ to support a healthy prostate but always follow your doctor’s advice on any health issue.

If you’re wondering if Prostatab combo™ is right for you then I encourage you to try it out for yourself.

With our 90 day, money-back guarantee you can see if you like it for absolutely no risk.


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